Old School Marketing: Crashing The Party
PreparedMind blog describes an all-too-often scenario about old school marketing. It goes like this.
You're at a party. Everyone knows each other. A stranger enters, interrupts a private discussion between a crowd of close friends, and starts to talk about himself. How rude. Self-absorbed. And clueless.
That's how old marketing comes across to the new economy. Clueless. I call it "marketing speak." David Armano, in a BusinessWeek Innovation blog post calls this "It's the Conversation Economy, Stupid." These platforms facilitate conversation. Conversation leads to relationships and relationships lead to affinity. An interesting article about how this new economy of conversations are no longer listening to this old approach jibber jabber. Read the rest of Armano's story here.
( via The Prepared Mind )
Labels: BusinessWeek Innovation blog, David Armano, It's the Conversation Economy Stupid, Web 2.0
Interesting...both from a business point of view and that old anthropology filter that I continue to wear!
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