Thrift is the New Black. - Barry A. Smith
ThisAintNoDisco is a brilliant site (and soon to be book) allowing agencies to flaunt their interior workspaces. I only now heard about the site via Rule29's space submission (my uncharacteristic lateness to the game is a result of more than a little social media burnout). Votes elevate the submissions into subcategories of best looking and most popular, and the site's simple blog like interface makes browsing and drooling a breeze.
A great inspiration if you're looking to spruce up the place, or a downer if not. (I warned you).
I noticed a great deal of vintage sprinkled in and around the IKEA and CB2, which leads me to believe thrift is the new black.
Labels: "Vintage furniture", CB2, IKEA, Interior Design, interiors, Rule 29, Rule29, social media burnout, thrift, thrift is the new black, vintage